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[미국 생명보험사 트렌드 상품] FIA(Fixed Indexed Annuity) 정의, 투자 방법&특징

by 김 제로 2023. 11. 30.


FIA(Fixed Indexed Annuity)란?


A fixed indexed annuity is designed to provide reliable monthly income that lasts for life. It protects your principal, while providing growth opportunity based on the positive movement of an index, such as the S&P 500® index. Fixed indexed annuities enable you to grow your retirement savings faster by deferring taxes until you take income, creating lifetime income, and providing for loved ones through a guaranteed death benefit.

출처: pacific life

- 가입자의 일생동안 마켓 인덱스에 기반한 안정적인 월 인컴을 제공
- 원리금 보장형
- 인컴 수령시까지 세금 이연으로 은퇴 자금 저축에 도움
- 생명 보험 보장
  • tax-deferred: 세금 이연
  • long-term savings option : 장기 저축 옵션
  • provides steady retirement income payments that are based on the performance of an underlying stock market index : 시장 인덱스 성과 기반 이자(수입) 지급 -> 성과 보장 아님



+)추가적인 특징

Annuity withdrawals and other distributions of taxable amounts, including death benefit payouts, will be subject to ordinary income tax. For nonqualified contracts, an additional 3.8% federal tax may apply on net investment income. If withdrawals and other distributions are taken prior to age 59½, an additional 10% federal tax may apply. A withdrawal charge and an MVA also may apply. Withdrawals will reduce the contract value and the value of the death benefits, and also may reduce the value of any optional benefits.

  • Annuity withdrawals : 미국은 연금 특화형 장기요양연금(The Long Term Care Annuity)이 판매되고 있을 뿐만 아니라 요양비용에 충당할 경우 비적격 연금상품일지라도 세제혜택이 추가적으로 제공되는 상품이 있음
  • 일정 시기 전 중도 인출 시 추가적인 세금 부담 및 옵셔널 베네핏 감소




FIA 투자 방법


싱글 인덱스에 투자하거나 여러 인덱스에 나눠서 투자 가능(all in one index or divide it across several)

•  Loss floor. A fixed index annuity may limit your losses, even in a bad year for the market. It’s common for the floor to be 0%, so worst case you just break even in a downturn.

>  시장 수익률이 안 좋은 상황에서도 손실 제한(0%) > 최악의 경우는 시장 하락 구간에서 그냥 제로 포인트만 가져가면 됨


•  Minimum return. A fixed index annuity might pay a small guaranteed interest rate or return, so no matter how the market index performs you earn at least some money.

최소 이율에 일정 비율 투자하게 되어 있어서 시장 인덱스 성과에 상관없이 일정 금액 수익 가능


•  Adjusted value. Your fixed index annuity could use an adjusted value method to protect against losses. This means the annuity company would periodically adjust the minimum value of your contract based on the returns you’ve already earned. This locks in your gains so you can no longer fall below this threshold.

※ TriggerA stated rate is received as long as the index return is not negative over a specific time, such as one year.
Example—If the stated rate is 4% and the index return is zero or greater, your contract would receive 4%.
> 요건 약간 녹아웃 옵션 느낌으로 인덱스가 제로 수익률 밑으로만 안 내려가면 명시 이율 받을 수 있는 구조


•  Return cap. Your annuity company could also set a limit to your gains. For example, it might say that no matter how high the index return, the most your balance could grow in a good year is 5%.

※ Cap(수익 캡)A maximum rate of interest(최대 수익률) that the contract can earn in a specified amount of time, such as one year. If the index return exceeds the cap, the cap amount is used to calculate your interest.
Example—If the cap is 4% and the index returns 6%, you will receive 4%. If the index returns 2%, you would receive 2%.

리던 캡 조기 설정될 수 있어서 최대 수익률 제한 가능


•  Participation rate. Your annuity company may choose to limit your gains through a participation rate. The participation rate is the percentage of your money that’s actually eligible to earn market returns. For example, if the participation rate is 50%, you would receive half of the index’s returns. If the market index return is 8%, your balance would only grow by 4%.


•  Spread/margin/asset fee. Your annuity company could also deduct a spread/margin/asset fee from your return each year. If their fee is 3% and your return is 8%, your money would only grow by 5%.

스프레드, 마진, 에셋 수수료 존재


Spread(스프레드)Index interest is determined by subtracting a percentage from the return for a specific time, such as one year.
Example—If the spread is 2% and the index returns 6%, you would receive 4%.


Index crediting methods—Along with cap, spread and performance factors, you may also be able to choose among different crediting methods. Interest crediting methods are used to measure the amount of interest that the annuity holder can receive over a specific time period.

Point to point—Tracks the change in an index from a specified start date to a specific end date. The most common is an annual point to point (one contract anniversary to the next contract anniversary), but can be a point to point of multiple years. Monthly average—Interest credited to the indexed account is determined by comparing the value of the index at the beginning of the one-year interest term to its average value during the interest term.



FIA 특징


  • A guaranteed death benefit : 사망보험금 보장
  • Guaranteed annuity payout options : 연금성 옵션 보장
  • Living benefits(=Accelerated Benefit) guarantee : 각종 암이나 심장마비 등 중병질환이 발병했을 때, 또는 만성질환이나 불치병이 발생했을 때, 생명보험 사망액의 일부 또는 전액을 선지급 받아 용도제한 없이 활용하는 기능 보장
  • Tax-deferred treatment of earnings and – tax-free transfers between investment options : 과세 이연 효과
    > FIA 구매 시 income tax는 deferred 됨 



참고자료 : forbes advisor


